4 projects you can build as a beginner with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

3 min readAug 8, 2020


In this article, I’ll share projects you can build with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Looking at my previous article, you will see that I recommend building projects instead of tutorials. Tutorials are good but you risk finishing in what we call a tutorial hell.

In fact, the more you build projects, the better it is because that’s the best way to learn.

Learning by struggling is always a good thing. Because that’s how you will remember things and become a better developer. So here are some nice projects you can build with HTML, CSS, and JS.

A landing page

A landing page is one of the easiest projects to build. Yet many companies are using them to capture a client's contact information or push to a certain action. This is a project that requires knowledge of both HTML and CSS. For example, you’ll need to position elements on the page, use semantics in your code (nav, div, footer, etc) and take care of the styling of your page.

Another challenge is making your page responsive using media queries. In this case, you’ll need to adapt your display depending on the layout.

This project focuses more on the visual aspect than the functional aspect. It will help you solidify your HTML and CSS skills. So I recommend you start with this one. For inspiration, here are some examples of landing pages you can model. Try to bring your own styling of course.

Calculator app

Building a calculator is challenging. This is a project where you take inputs from the user, do calculations, and output the result.

Try to model some nice UI examples for the front-end (of course, bring your own styling).

Replicate your favorite website

Is it Facebook? Youtube or Medium? Trying to replicate one page of your favorite website is fun and a good way to use CSS and HTML. To make things easier, focus on the front-end, and don’t try to add any extra features that would need more work. These popular websites have skilled people specialized in front-end or backend behind them. So don’t try to do everything. By replicating the frontend of those websites, you will gain a lot of experience.

Guess the numbers game

In this project, it’s about guessing a number that the computer will choose. Depending on your guess, the computer will give feedback like

  • ‘Your guess is too small’ if you guess a smaller number
  • ‘Your guess is too big’ if you guessed a greater number
  • ‘Congratulations, you guessed the right number!’ if your guess is correct

This one is a bit more challenging because you’ll need to interact with the game AI (you’ll build yourself!). Yet, it’s a fun and exciting way to hon your Javascript skills using loops, event listeners, etc.

Build your portfolio

The last step is to build your portfolio where you’ll showcase the different projects you have built. Your portfolio is one of the best ways for a recruiter to know who you are and what you are working on.

Every developer needs a portfolio. And you’ll need to update yours as you build better projects. And that’s the reason why I recommend you start building personal projects right now. That way, you will have some cool projects in your portfolio.

All these projects are great even if some tend to be more challenging. Yet, once you start working on your own projects, you become a better developer. And don’t forget to use git and GitHub while building them!




I am a full-stack developer with a passion for technology and learning new things. Founder of JavaScriptLearned.